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Records Unit

Main Number : 303-660-7545

When you want information, the records unit provides it. This unit is responsible for storing, preserving, and ensuring the integrity of DCSO’s law enforcement records.

As part of that responsibility, records personnel scan and enter each record — which includes offense reports, incident reports, traffic citations, field interview cards, and other law enforcement records — into a local database, which enables them to produce accurate and timely crime statistics that are reported the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. These statistics are also used for budgeting and to validate requests for additional funding through grant programs.

The two following Units also fall within the Records Unit:

Concealed Handgun Permits Unit – The CHP unit handles requests from the public to obtain a permit to carry a concealed handgun.  CHP personnel process the required applications, complete background investigations, and submit fingerprints to the Colorado Bureau of Investigations.  Once the background investigation is complete, they issue the approved permits.  They are also responsible for completing fingerprints for registered sex offenders and pursuant to court orders.

Criminal Justice Records Act Unit (CJRA) – The CJRA Unit position is responsible for large records requests for every division within the Sheriff’s Office.  These requests include media requests, dispatch recordings, release of body cams, Internal Affairs Investigations, policies and procedures, subpoenas, and large investigations.  Detention records requests consist of booking files, account records, phone and video visitation records, jail video and medical records. 

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